12월 13 2011
Luxylight for iPhone [Free]
iPhone에서 필요한 플래시 프로그램이 없었는데 아주 심플하고 멋진 프로그램.
We launched Luxylight many months ago, and since then more than 70.000 people across 40 different countries have downloaded it. It was our first application and we wanted something simple to get started into the iOS world.
There is no doubt that Luxylight is the most beautiful flashlight application in the world. We created it with the belief that even on a simple application there is room for improvement on the graphics and user experience.
Apart from basic functionality like flashlight, strobe light, and a S.O.S. we have Lock screen. This is particularly great because you can enable it and forget about accidentally touching your device, turning off the light or changing to another function.
Luxylight currently is iAd supported and available only on the iPhone 4. With our latest update we included a small change in the behavior of the application, highly requested by our users: turn on the light immediately after opening the application.
4월 19 2013
Type2phone 설치
오늘 무료로 Type2phone이 무료로 iTunes Store에 등록되었다. iPhone 키보드로 입력하려면 상당히 힘들었는데 블루투스로 연결하여 키 입력을 하니 편리해서 설치 과정을 옮겨 놓는다.
2013. 04. 19. 무료
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By vinipapa • 무른모 • 0 • Tags: bluetooth, iPhone, keyboard, Mac, Type2phone