Boxee Box 출시

셋탑박스의 전쟁이 시작되는 것입니까? Boxee Box가 2010.11.10. 출시된다고 메일이 왔습니다. AppleTV, GoogleTV, Boxee Box… 이제 사용자는 선택만 하면 되는 것일까요? 


We're days away from the launch of the Boxee Box worldwide.

To ensure you’re able to get the Boxee Box in time for the holidays, we recommend pre-ordering in your country from the link below.

We're also having a Boxee Box launch party in New York on November 10th. RSVP below – there's only 1000 spots and we're already close to capacity.

So… get in your pre-order, come party with us, and thanks for all your support!

Team Boxee